Adult Sports

League information, registration dates, and rule packets:
All league information will be posted on our website and Team Sideline prior to the start of the season.
CARD makes every effort to keep dates similar from year to year; however, minor variations may occur.
Each league has a set number of spaces available.
Those numbers are determined by field or facility availability, night of play, and level of ability. Registration is first come, first served. Once leagues are full, a waitlist will be started.
Teams may be moved from their league of choice at the discretion of the Adult Sports Department, should it be deemed beneficial to the CARD adult sports program as a whole. Prior team history and records will be considered upon league creation. League champions MAY be moved up to a higher league for the subsequent season if deemed appropriate. Teams that struggle in a given league may also be moved down. Our goal is to facilitate proper league placement over the course of time.
Schedule changes:
All days/times/locations are subject to change at the discretion of the sports department.
Roster Requirements:
All players must be enrolled on a Teamsideline Roster prior to participation. Rosters are due prior to the first scheduled contest. Team managers can make roster changes until week four of their league. After week four, managers will be to submit an Add/Drop Form and get approval prior to player participation.
ADULT SPORTS on the Web is the best place to get league schedules and tournament information for all Adult Sports leagues. General information, registration dates, league schedules, league standings, and rules can be found year-round.
Online registration is available for all leagues at
ADULT SPORTS LEAGUE - Divisions of Play:
Chico Area Recreation & Park District (
League Fee Payment Plan
Payment is due at the time of registration.
Adult Sports Free Agent?
Want to play but don't have a team? Sign up for one of our Free Agent Leagues and be randomly assigned to a team. $40 per player! Free Agent Registration is open now for the Spring seasons.
OR if you're looking to get added to teams that need players.
Go to and use the “Free Agent Sign Up” link at the top. Give us some background information about yourself, the sport you are interested in, and a way to reach you, and we will circulate that information to the managers in our leagues to help you find a team. Adult Sports is a social activity! Show up at the fields/courts the first weeks of a new season to increase your chances of finding a team.
Open Gym: Volleyball & Basketball Hours
Are you looking to get involved or play with new people? You can visit our Basketball and Volleyball Open Gym sessions on Sundays. Participants provide their own ball and pay $3.00 at the door.
Basketball 10:00 am-12:00 pm & Volleyball 4:00 pm-6:00 pm
All days and times are subject to change. Please check updated times and dates at
Adult Sports Roster & WaiverPlayer Add/Delete FormCARD Youth Player Add/Delete FormPlayer Code of Conduct