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Parade Entries

A festive parade float decorated in red, white, and blue, with people celebrating, holding flags and wearing themed attire.

2025 Parade: Freedom to Play!


Chico Area Recreation & Park District (CARD) invites you to celebrate the 4th of July in Downtown Chico! Entries should be patriotic and family friendly. 

Entry Deadline - Friday, June 20th, 2025

Accepted applications will be notified on a rolling basis. 

Entry Fees:

  • Veteran's OR Active Military: Free
  • Floats: $30 (nonprofit/educational) | $60 (business/politician) 
  • Equestrians: $20 (nonprofit/educational) | $40 (business/politician) 
  • Vehicles: $30 (nonprofit/educational) | $60 (business/politician)
  • Pedestrians: $10 (nonprofit/education) | $20 (business/politician)

Rules and Regulations:

  1. All parade vehicles must enter and exit the staging area at 5th and Salem at their specifically allotted times. No entries will be allowed early or late admission to the parade staging area. 
  2. Entries can check in at 5th and Salem OR 3rd and Salem. 
  3. Business/Organization/Group names must be large and visible on the entry. 
  4. Each entry from all categories except vehicles only MUST ASSIGN a banner person to WALK in front of their entry, holding a banner or sign with their number attached (you provide the sign/banner, we provide the 8.5x11 number) OR attach it very clearly to the vehicle leading your entry. This will help regulate the pace of the parade and allow our judges to easily identify your entry. Failure to do so will disqualify your entry.**  
  5. One vehicle allowed per entry, except for bikes, equestrian, or car clubs. Please limit width to one lane wide to keep safe distance from spectators.  
  6. Vehicle height limited to 14’ due to trees and power lines. It is your responsibility to make sure your entry clears parade route PRIOR to the parade.  
  7. No objects may be thrown from your entry along the parade route, but members of your entry may walk along the sidelines and distribute handouts.  
  8. CARD reserves the right to reject any entry considered unsafe or in poor taste. All participants must be appropriately attired and appropriate language used in the floats.  
  9. Any person or group may enter the parade subject to limit of space and must be approved by CARD.  
  10. No alcohol consumption or drug use is allowed at any time.  
  11. Judging will be stationed at various points along the parade route. The entire parade route will be your performance area. Entries must keep moving during the parade to prevent back-ups and uneven spacing of the entries along the route. All entries must always keep a forward motion. No stopping to entertain.  
  12. Entry fees must be submitted with the entry form. Entries received or postmarked after June 20th, 2025, will have an additional $20 late fee and will be placed at the end of the parade line-up.  
  13. Final instructions will be sent via email no later than 24 hrs. prior to parade time.  
  14. All floats must be made of fireproof materials. All fire safety rules must be followed and will be made available to applicants. If fireproofing is needed, it is the responsibility of the applicant.  
  15. Every float must carry a working water-based fire extinguisher.  
  16. CARD reserves the right to use any photograph/video taken at the parade or pre-parade events, without the expressed written permission of those included within the photograph/video. CARD may use the photograph/video in publications or other media material produced, used or contracted by CARD including but not limited to: brochures, websites, newspapers, magazines, television, social media, etc. 17.