Summer Camps

Summer Play Guide
Click below to flip through our Summer 2025 Play Guide! Here you'll find a comprehensive list of our upcoming youth summer camps and aquatics programs. Summer camp registration opens Tuesday, April 1st at 8:00 AM!
Important Information for All Camps
- If there is not a specific registration deadline listed, registration will close at 5:00 PM on the Thursday prior to the Monday of camp, or once the camp is full, whichever comes first. Space is limited; participants are assigned on a first come, first served basis. Registration after the stated deadline is based on Supervisor approval.
- If the camp is full, you may add your child to the waiting list. If space becomes available, you will be contacted by phone or email. Camp fees are a flat rate and are not pro-rated for days not attended.
- What if my child needs assistance to participate in a camp? Clients of Far Northern Regional Center are able to submit an Accommodation Request Form. This can be found on our website, at Forms and Parent Resources
- Requests for CANCELLATIONS and TRANSFERS must be received by Thursday at 10:00 AM prior to the camp start date. Please check dates closely. Should a request be submitted after the deadline has passed, every effort will be made to fill the space. If space is filled, a CREDIT will be issued. Unfortunately, we are unable to make any exceptions unless valid emergency or medical documentation can be provided. CREDITS may be issued for medical or emergency situations with appropriate documentation.